Everything you need to run your 1:1 program

Never worry about getting a bunch of tools to “talk to each other” again.

Trusted by…

You can replace your scattered tools with Chrome Hero

Track & Deploy Assets

Our platform supports ChromeOS, MacOS, Windows and peripherals. Assign any device to any user.

Integrate with GAC & SIS

Your Google Admin connects directly with Chrome Hero, enabling real time updates and SIS synchronization.

Store Custom Fields

Bring your custom fields directly into any table, so it can be available exactly where you and your staff need it.

Report & Analyze

Export, aggregate and visualize your data across a dozen different 1:1 reports built for decision-making insights.

Issue Repair Tickets

Issue repair tickets for your tracked assets, while drawing parts directly from your inventory to complete repairs.

Encrypt Your Data

We comply with FERPA, COPPA and NIST. Our rigorous compliance checks keep your PII locked-down.

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“… This is a tool with a lot of value, and top notch customer service.”

Shawn | Sys. Admin at River Valley Schools


“Chrome Hero is easy to manage and works perfectly for our repair teams. They delivered on their promise.”

Cody | Tech. Coordinator at Royse City ISD

Less software,

better alignment,

lower overhead

90-day, money back guarantee

We are so confident that you will get value out of adopting the Chrome Hero platform that we now offer a 90-day, money back guarantee to our new customers.